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Our Plants  /  Broadleaf Evergreens /  BUXUS SEMPERVIRENS ‘VARIEGATA’  – Variegated English Boxwood


Variegated English Boxwood


⬆ 5-8 ft

Sun Requirements

☀ Full sun to part shade


➡ 4-5 ft

❯ Quick Facts

  • Plant Hardiness: Zone 5-9
  • Slow-growing
  • Small, dark green leaves with creamy yellow border

❯ Description

The Variegated English boxwood is an upright evergreen shrub hosting dark green leaves with beautiful, creamy yellow edging. They are very easy to maintain and can be sheared into a hedge or left to grow naturally. They also make a great specimen plant. The roots of the Variegated English boxwood are shallow, and the soil should be kept moist for optimal growth. For a hedge, plant at 1-2 ft centers.

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