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Our Plants  /  Broadleaf Evergreens /  BUXUS SEMPERVIRENS ‘SUFFRUTICOSA’ – Dwarf English Boxwood


Dwarf English Boxwood


⬆ 2-3 ft

Sun Requirements

☀ Full sun to full shade


➡ 2-3 ft

❯ Quick Facts

  • Plant Hardiness: Zone 6-8
  • Slow-growing
  • Useful for small formal hedges

❯ Description

One of the most versatile of the evergreen shrubs, Dwarf English boxwoods are well known for their beautiful bright green leaves and nice compact shape. This plant can easily be pruned into a hedge but also looks great grown naturally. These very attractive shrubs work well either as a stand-alone piece or in a border, and look great along the side of your driveway or sidewalk. Reaching heights of only 3 ft, the Dwarf English boxwood is a popular choice in cities. For a hedge, plant at 6 inch centers.

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