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About Us  /  Environmental Farm Plan

Our commitment to the environment benefits the land we rely on, the practices that guide our business, and your resulting hedge.

The Environmental Farm Plan (EFP), administered by the BC Agriculture Council, improves nursery and farm operations to manage land in an environmentally sustainable manner through minimizing risks.

  • To complete this process, our nursery filled out an extensive planning workbook, received an assessment from an EFP Advisor, and made improvements to meet all of the Plan’s standards.
  • These standards ensure farms employ sustainable practices including efficient irrigation and draining, proper manure management, and protection of wildlife habitat.
  • See below for our current and active certification administered by the BC Agriculture Council.

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Cedar, Yew, Juniper and Cypress varieties

Boxwood, Laurel and Photinia varieties

Tagged: Environmental Farm Plan, BC Agriculture Council, environmental nursery, environmental wholesale nursery, environmentally friendly nursery, eco nursery, sustainable nursery, sustainable cedars, sustainable hedging, wholesale cedars, wholesale cedar hedges, wholesale cedar trees, wholesale nursery